4 March 2013

How-to: Poach an Egg

For the longest time I was under the impression that poaching an egg was very difficult.  I read many articles and watched many tutorials on youtube on how to poach the perfect egg.  There are a lot of tips and different methods out there:  from creating a whirlpool in the boiling water, to the exact perfect temperature of the water and the freshness of the eggs… 

I have to admit, my first attempt to poaching eggs wasn’t a success…  After a few tries I finally found some easy tips that helped me poach eggs.

How-to poach an egg.

I follow 5 rules when poaching eggs:

Rule #1 – Poach your eggs in shallow water. 
Fill your saucepan with only 2 to 3 inches of water.  This will help keep the egg contained.

Rule #2 – A Gentle Simmer is better than a Rolling Boil.
Bring the water up to a boil, then reduce the heat so that only see tiny bubbles breaking the surface.  Eggs are very fragile as they cook and boiling water can tear the egg whites.

Rule #3 – Don’t be Afraid of White Vinegar
Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of white vinegar to the water.  It will not alter the flavour of the eggs but it help the egg whites set more quickly.

Rule #4 – A Soft Touch is all You Need
Crack each egg in a small bowl before slowly pouring the egg in the hot water.  Gently tilt the small bowl as close to the surface of the water as possible and slide the egg in the hot water.  Never drop the egg in the water.  (if you hear a plop, it’s no good…)

Rule #5 – Timing is Everything
As soon as the egg is in the water start your timer.  From my experience, when cooking at a soft simmer, 4 minutes will give you firm whites and a runny yolk.
4 ½ minutes will start to firm up the yolk and 5 minutes will produce a texture similar to hard-boiled eggs.

Once the egg is cooked, remove it form the water with a slotted spoon and place it on a paper towel lined dish to absorb any excess water.

And that’s it!  If you remember these 5 rules, you will poach perfect eggs every time:  Shallow Water, Gentle Simmer, Vinegar, Soft Touch, and Timing!

Stay tune for some delicious poached eggs recipes!

Happy Poaching!

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